Nyla Guadalupe '23 – Introduction

Hi! My name is Nyla Guadalupe and I am a senior Psychology and Black Studies double major proudly from the Bronx, New York. While I will always be an NYC girl at heart, Amherst’s fall foliage and picturesque view of Memorial Hill have slowly won me over. On campus you can probably find me in the Greenways enjoying my view of the field, working in the science center by the spiral staircases, ushering for music concerts in Arms, and talking in Val with friends for way longer than I had probably planned.

Fun fact about me: I love dancing and singing! As someone with a vast background in the arts, some of my involvements throughout my time at Amherst include DASAC (Dance and Step at Amherst College), the Zumbyes, and Choral Society, more specifically Concert Choir. As you can probably tell, I enjoy performing and getting to share the stage with others.

When I’m not on stage, you can find me engaging with a number of Amherst affinity spaces such as the Black Student Union, Queer Resource Center, the Women & Gender Center, and the Multicultural Resource Center. I am also an organizer for Amherst QTPOC (Queer & Trans People of Color) Collective, a new student organization that serves as a safe space for LGBTQ+ and questioning people of color and aims to build coalition with LGBTQ and racial affinity groups on campus.

If you have any questions or want to talk to me about my Amherst experience, email me at nguadalupe23@amherst.edu.

Making the Most of Your Weekend

As a senior at Amherst, I have learned the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Between school, work, and extracurriculars, it is important to remember that college isn’t just about maintaining your GPA and exploring your academic interests, but about making memories with others as well. That said, here are just a few tips for how to make the most of the weekend from an already-sentimental senior, including some of the things I’ve done just within my first month back on campus! 


Explore Amherst Town and Take a Risk

A few weeks ago a couple of friends and I went to Salsa night at Mexcalito, a restaurant in town that has recently started hosting nights where people from all dance backgrounds can learn how to dance bachata and salsa from Amherst town locals. Many of us went in not knowing anything about salsa or bachata and by the end of the night we were able to pick up on a couple moves. Not only that, but they also have great tacos!


Support the Arts

As someone who works with the music department as an usher, I always know when there’s a performance at Arms. The music department tends to have concerts and performances every few weeks. Even if you typically don’t listen to a symphony in your free time, seeing your classmates and being able to support your peers will really make the experience. In particular I like supporting Amherst’s Symphony Orchestra’s concerts, which due to its size is sure to have someone you’ll recognize performing. 

Additionally, every Friday, some of campus’s most talented artists get together and perform in a showcase for the general student body either in Marsh common room or on the Val balcony on alternating weeks. The audience is always welcoming and full of good vibes. Not only is this a good place to see friends in their element, but this is also a great opportunity to perform in a low-stakes, supportive environment. 

Take Advantage of Student and Campus Activities

No matter how busy I get, I never miss an opportunity to get free food. In the first few weeks of class, Amherst hosted a Welcome Back Carnival that featured carnival food, outdoor games, an inflatable obstacle course, and a 360 Videobooth. Not only did I get to enjoy some snacks, but we also took a couple film photos with friends that I could hang up in my room.

Point is, you’re in college for a small portion of your lifetime, so make the most of it!