Admission & Financial Aid

Admission & Financial Aid


Regulations & Requirements

Regulations & Requirements


Academic Credit from Other Institutions (Transfer Credit)

Amherst College does not grant academic credit for work completed at other institutions of higher education unless it meets one of the following criteria: (1) each course offered as part of a transfer record has been completed and acĀ­cepted by the College prior to matriculation at Amherst; (2) the work is part of an exchange program of study in the United States or abroad approved in advance by a class dean and the Registrar; or (3) the work has been apĀ­proved by the Registrar as appropriate to make up a deficiency deriving from work not completed or failed at Amherst College (see Deficiencies); (4) The work has been approved by the Registrar as appropriate to meet conditions of involuntary leave or medical withdrawal.

Workflow State