Courses in American Studies

Fall 2016

AMST-111 Global Valley

Francis G. Couvares (Section 01)

AMST-165 An Introduction to U.S. Latino/a History, 1848--Present

Solsiree Del Moral (Section 01)
Rick A. Lopez (Section 01)

AMST-265 Unequal Childhoods:  Race, Class and Gender in the United States

Leah C. Schmalzbauer (Section 01)

AMST-305 Gender, Migration and Power:  Latinos in the Americas

Leah C. Schmalzbauer (Section 01)

AMST-315 Race and U.S. Empire: 1898 in the Caribbean and the Pacific

Solsiree Del Moral (Section 01)

AMST-330 Making Asians:  Asian American in Literature and Law

Robert T. Hayashi (Section 01)

AMST-372 Race and Public History/Memory

Franklin S. Odo (Section 01)