Phantom Pains

The mind forgets, but the body doesn’t. When the body experiences trauma it retains the memories, even when the mind locks them away so it can forget and survive. This causes a schism between the two. I use my art to re-establish this connection, allowing my body to put these memories into a symbolic language that my mind can then decode and process. The resulting work revolves around mutilated and disformed bodies, religious and occult symbolism, domesticity, juxtapositions between quiet innocence and horror, and a sense of eeriness that gives form to an otherwise invisible and indescribable wound.

April 23, 2020

Advised by Prof. Suzanne Dougan, Prof. Betsey Garand, Prof. David Gloman, and Prof. Carol Keller.

Submitted to the Department of Art and the History of Art of Amherst College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with honors.
