Die Parzen

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Die Parzen (lat. parcae) sind in der römischen Mythologie die drei Schicksalsgöttinnen. Sie können gemeinsam oder auch einzeln agieren. Eine der Parzen spinnt den Schicksalsfaden der Menschen, die zweite trennt den Faden auf und die dritte schneidet ihn endgültig ab. Die Parzen heißen Nona, Decima oder Decuma und Morta. Schicksalsgöttinnen gibt es auch in der germanischen (Nornen), der griechischen (Moiren) und der slawischen Mythologie (Zorya).


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For other uses, see Klotho.

In Greek mythology, Clotho or Klotho, the Greek word Κλωθώ for "spinner", was the youngest of the Moirae (the Fates). It was Clotho who spun the threads of life with her distaff. According to Hesiod's Theogony, she and her sisters (Lachesis and Atropos) are the daughters of Night (by no one).


Lais of Corinth
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Lais of Corinth was a legendary hetaera or courtesan of ancient Greece who was born probably in Corinth. Lais of Corinth lived during the time of the Peloponnesian War and was said to be the most beautiful woman of the time. Among her numerous lovers was philosopher Aristippus (two of his writings were about Lais) and an Olympic champion Eubotas of Cyrene.