Submitted by Matthew Schulkind on Sunday, 2/1/2009, at 10:50 PM

Here is where I want you to post your Thought Papers for the week.  I'm also going to try to give you one or two 'Big' questions to think about for class.  These questions will be things that we will talk about in class, not things that you need to comment on for your thought papers.  For this week, I want you to think about the following constructs that we encountered throughout this weeks readings:

  1. Autobiographical memory
  2. Personal identity
  3. Knowledge of the self
  4. Personality
  5. Life narrative

How do these constructs relate to one another?  Where do they overlap?  How are they seprate?  To what extent does any particular one of these constructs rely on the other.

For your thought paper, please just post your comment below.

See you on Tuesday,