Submitted by Jill S. Miller on Monday, 11/16/2009, at 9:50 AM

Please submit responses to the readings by 5pm on Tuesday, Nov. 18.  These should be thoughtful questions/comments designed to provoke discussion.  You should also read through responses prepared by fellow students in preparation for Friday’s discussion.

To post your responses, choose "Add comment" from the menu below -  Thanks!

Reading for week 13:
Cuomo, C. 1998. Introduction: Thinking at the Crossroads and Chapter 1: The Ecofeminist Project. In Feminism and Ecological Communities: An Ethic of Flourishing. New York: Routledge.
Cuomo, C., W. Eisner, and K. Hinkel. 2008. Environmental Change, Indigenous Knowledge, and Subsistence on Alaska's North Slope. The Scholar and Feminist Online Issue 7.1.