Film Clips

12 Angry Men

To Kill a Mockingbird

Rear Window

Judgment at Nuremberg

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

The Sweet Hereafter

Touch of Evil

Silence of the Lambs

I Confess

Dead Man Walking

Basic Instinct

Witness for the Prosecution

Inherit the Wind

Call Northside 777

Capturing the Friedmans


Please be patient.

It can take up to 30 seconds for these clips to load and start playing.

Problems with the video size?

Video size in Windows Media Player can be adjusted. From the top drop down menu go to View -> Video Size and select either 50%, 100% or 200%. You can also choose full screen by selecting View -> Full Screen, however since these video clips are streaming their resolution is too low for this setting to be enjoyable. They are best viewed at 100% size.

Don't Have Windows Media Player?

To view these video files you need Windows Media Player, which is installed on all public computers on campus. It is also available free from Microsoft for both Windows and Mac OS X.

Windows Media Player for Windows

Windows Media Player for Mac OS X


Please report any problems to Academic Technology