Final Project, Part III Grading Rubric

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Monday, 5/3/2010, at 12:11 PM

Final Project, Part II Grading Rubric

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Sunday, 5/2/2010, at 1:23 PM

New York Times (4/22/10): Indian Tribe Wins Fight to Limit Research of Its DNA

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Thursday, 4/22/2010, at 9:55 AM

Article from today's NY Times that fits into our discussions from class.

NAGPRA 2010 updates

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Wednesday, 4/21/2010, at 10:39 PM

Check out the National Park Service Press Release regarding the disposition of Culturally Unidentifiable Individuals. This was a very hot topic for discussion at the recent SAA meetings! 

Tons of information on this subject, including debates surrounding new additions to the law, can be found at the UC-Berkeley/NAGPRA Blog.

Kennewick Man/ The Ancient One Information

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Wednesday, 4/21/2010, at 4:19 PM

Check out the timeline for the Kennewick controversy. There is also general coverage provided by the Tri-City Herald, which closely followed the case.

The National Park Service has a web site dedicated to Kennewick Man, which includes link to all the technical reports produced by archaeologists, physical anthropologists, etc.

Last thing... if you are interested in how Kennewick Man has been used and abused to promote a number of competing (and often scary) agendas, do a Google Search for both images and text.

Exercise 6: Bones of Contention & Debating NAGPRA

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Tuesday, 4/13/2010, at 11:22 PM

Exercise 5: Mead Visit

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Tuesday, 4/13/2010, at 10:41 PM

SAA Style Guide Cheat Sheet

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Wednesday, 4/7/2010, at 9:33 AM

How to Organize your Life (or at least your research)

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Thursday, 4/1/2010, at 8:40 AM

Many of you may already use a program that helps you to manage and publish your bibliographies, pdfs of readings, reading notes, etc. If not, read on! There are many such programs available, including those you have to purchase like Endnote or those you can access for free through Amherst or Smith College libraries.

Amherst College suggests using Zotero, which is available as a free download, and there are both online tutorials and live tutorials at the Frost Library.

Smith College suggests using Refworks, which all students can access through the library website. You will have to create an account, but can access your account online and even share project folders with other people.

These programs are not for everyone, but they do provide a reliable, easily accessible way to organize materials and keep track of multiple research and writing projects at the same time. Good luck!

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography

Submitted by Elizabeth Klarich (inactive) on Thursday, 4/1/2010, at 8:14 AM

Visit these resources to learn more about annotated bibliographies for Part II of your project:

There is additional information on the Final Project handout about the requirements of Part II. Let me know if you have any questions! New due date is Tuesday, April 20th (moved from April 8th).