The textbook solves every problem using the "ISEE" (Identify – Set up – Execute – Evaluate) approach.  Although I pretty much agree with those steps (though not necessarily in that order), we don't require such a formulaic approach to problem solving.  You can follow the ISEE method if you want, but it is not required.

Due in class (9 AM) on Wednesday, February 3.

  1. Online problems: Introduction and Assignment 1 on our MasteringPhysics course site.   
  2. Written problems: Y&F Chapter 1 problems (12th edition numbers):
    1. 1.10
    2. 1.43
    3. 1.45.  In this problem, "balance" means "have a (vector) sum of zero".
    4. 1.49
  3. Chapter 2 problems
    1. 2.15
    2. 2.34
    3. 2.44
    1. 2.95 (hard)
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