Submitted by Matthew Schulkind on Monday, 4/25/2011, at 1:47 PM

Let's say that John Carter knocks on your door one day and says that you are being arrested for having an unlicensed keg.  The evidence against you is a keg in the common room of your dorm, and an eyewitness who testified under oath that he saw you bring the keg into the dorm.  Just for fun, let's pretend that I am the witness.  Finally, Chief Carter informs you that Amherst no longer fines students $100 for unlicensed kegs.  Instead, you are to be shot by a firing squad.  You, of course, are innocent.  What would you do or say at your hearing before the Discipline Committee to try to discredit my testimony, remembering of course, that I am a pillar of the community with an ethical reputation beyond reproach.  What kinds of questions might you ask me?  What kinds of research would you present in your defense?