Courses in History

Spring 2008

HIST-07 Ecological Imperialism

Jill R. Payne (Section 01)

HIST-12 Blk Diaspora: Eman-Prsnt

J. Celso Castro Alves (Section 01)

HIST-16 Modern China

Jerry P. Dennerline (Section 01)

HIST-18 Modern Japan

Trent E. Maxey (Section 01)

HIST-20 Middle East 1800-Present

Monica M. Ringer (Section 01)

HIST-22 Colnl & Pst Colnl Afric

Sean Redding (Section 01)

HIST-28 People/Pollution, 1760-Pres

Jill R. Payne (Section 01)

HIST-29 Reformatn Era: 1500-1660

Margaret R. Hunt (Section 01)

HIST-35 Habsburg to Hitler

Jeremy King (Section 01)

HIST-36 Modern Spain

Brian D. Bunk (Section 01)

HIST-46 Women's Hist 1865-Pres

Martha Saxton (Section 01)

HIST-53 Pop Revolution Mod Mexico

Rick A. Lopez (Section 01)

HIST-54 Environ Hist: Lat Amer

Rick A. Lopez (Section 01)

HIST-58 Relig & Soc: Great China

Jerry P. Dennerline (Section 01)

HIST-61 History of Israel

N. Gordon Levin (Section 01)

HIST-64 Intro South African Hist

Sean Redding (Section 01)

HIST-68 Science/Society Mod Amer

John W. Servos (Section 01)

HIST-69 Public History in the US

Martha A. Sandweiss (Section 01)

HIST-70 World of Cities

Francis G. Couvares (Section 01)
Max Page (Section 01)

HIST-74 Sex, Gender & the Family

Margaret R. Hunt (Section 01)

HIST-81 Material Culture: Vict Era

Nan Wolverton (Section 01)

HIST-83 Resrch Methods: Amer Culture

Martha A. Sandweiss (Section 01)

HIST-89 Alan Lomax

William S. Walker (Section 01)

HIST-90 Hist/Mem: Asia-Pacif War

Trent E. Maxey (Section 01)

HIST-93 Seminar: Mid East Hist

Monica M. Ringer (Section 01)

HIST-99 Writing the Past

John W. Servos (Section 01)