Courses in History

Fall 2016

HIST-123 Europe in the Middle Ages

Jun Hee Cho (Section 01)

HIST-165 An Introduction to U.S. Latino/a History, 1848--Present

Solsiree Del Moral (Section 01)
Rick A. Lopez (Section 01)

HIST-172 Modern China

Jerry P. Dennerline (Section 01)

HIST-173 Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern South Asia: From the Delhi Sultanates to Mughal Successor States, 1200-1800 A.D.

Dwaipayan Sen (Section 01)

HIST-191 The Modern Middle East: 1800-Present

Monica M. Ringer (Section 01)

HIST-214 Science and Society in Modern America

John W. Servos (Section 01)

HIST-225 The Age of Chivalry, 1000-1500

Jun Hee Cho (Section 01)

HIST-234 Nazi Germany

April D. Trask (Section 01)

HIST-235 Stalin and Stalinism

Sergey Glebov (Section 01)

HIST-245 U.S. Carceral Culture

Jen Manion (Section 01)

HIST-254 American Foreign Policy Since the End of the Cold War

N. Gordon Levin (Section 01)

HIST-259 U.S. Security Policy in the Middle East

Steven N. Simon (Section 01)

HIST-267 Introduction to the Black Atlantic

Mary E. Hicks (Section 01)

HIST-271 Caste and Politics of Inequality in India

Dwaipayan Sen (Section 01)

HIST-276 Perspectives on Chinese History

Jerry P. Dennerline (Section 01)

HIST-294 The History of Israel

Adi Gordon (Section 01)

HIST-301 Proseminar in History: Writing the Past

Sean Redding (Section 01)

HIST-335 European Migrations

Ellen R. Boucher (Section 01)

HIST-345 Gender and Sexuality in Latin America

Mary E. Hicks (Section 01)

HIST-450 Sex and Law in Colonial America

Jen Manion (Section 01)

HIST-455 The Long Civil Rights Movement

Alec F. Hickmott (Section 01)

HIST-460 Intelligence and U.S. National Security Policymaking

Steven N. Simon (Section 01)

HIST-475 Theory/History/Japan

Trent E. Maxey (Section 01)

HIST-489 An Era of Translation: The Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire

Monica M. Ringer (Section 01)

Related Courses

AMST-315 Race and U.S. Empire: 1898 in the Caribbean and the Pacific (Course not offered this semester.)
CLAS-124 Roman Civilization (Course not offered this semester.)