Thesis Deadlines

The deadline for a proposal and precis will be the third day of classes of the first semester of the student's senior year.

Potential thesis writers are encouraged to declare their intent during the last semester of their junior year and to get an advisor for the thesis. This will enable LLAS to support the student's request for summer research funds. For information about summer research funding opportunities please visit The Gregory S. Call Undergraduate Research Program

Senior Thesis Deadlines: Class of 2023E - 2024

In the preparation of your honors essay, please observe the following deadlines. If by the nature of your work you must deviate from the date for the submission of completed work, it is your responsibility to have secured the permission of your thesis advisor and of the Latinx & Latin American Studies (LLAS) Program. If you have any questions about these deadlines, please discuss them with your advisor or with the Department Chair, Sony Coranez Bolton.

Friday, April 29, 2023:  Proposal Due

One-page proposal, submitted via the LLAS’s website by 4:00 p.m. 

Friday, October 11 - '25E: Rough Draft Due

(This deadline is only for thesis writers graduating as '24E.)

Wednesday, November 14, 2024: Submission Due

One completed chapter, précis, and bibliography to be given to thesis advisor.

Thursday, December 6, 2024: Proposal Due for '25E Thesis. (Please check in with the ADC for the remaining '25E due dates)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025: First Draft Due

First complete draft due to the thesis advisor.

Shortly after this date, Eva M Diaz, LLAS office administrator, will begin coordinating students and faculty schedules in order to assign reading committees and schedule oral examinations. To do so, she will need each student’s (1) thesis title; (2) time availability (via Doodle poll); and (3) the names of two potential thesis readers. If you have not already spoken to someone who has agreed to be a reader, the department will assign them for you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2024: Thesis Due

Students are responsible for delivering copies of their thesis to their advisor and readers before 2:00 p.m. The Registrar’s office has formatting and submission guidelines, including a mandatory cover sheet indicating the student’s preferences for the thesis’s distribution:

Registrars Office Thesis Guide

April 8 - April 12, 2024: Oral Examinations

Thesis defenses will be scheduled during this period.  Modality and venue TBD for Spring 2022.

Late April/Early May TBD, before 5pm: FINAL SUBMISSION of thesis to LLAS Program & Registrar

Students will be responsible for incorporating the changes or corrections in their theses suggested during the oral defense. Please note that the only changes students can make to their thesis drafts submitted for their defenses are factual errors and typos. Students cannot make substantive changes to their argument or evidence.

Students will need to submit their final, corrected electronic copies to the Office of the Registrar (the official college copy) and the LLAS program. All copies should include the cover sheet with the student’s distribution preferences. Please consult the registrar’s web pages for that office’s due date.

Electronic copies should be submitted as a PDF attachment to
(1) Registrar copy (login required)
(2) Latinx & Latin American Studies Program,

Please check with your advisor to see if they would like a copy (i.e., a third copy).

Please Note: It is essential for all to observe these deadlines in order for the department to meet the college’s deadlines for prize recommendations, Latin Honors recommendations, and final grades.