Many of our majors go to graduate school, some in mathematics, statistics, or computer science, others in other fields, including medical school. We are frequently asked about the "best" graduate schools. There is not really any way for us to choose the "best," since the best school for you depends on you, your interests and your needs. Some schools are very good in some areas and not in others. Please come talk to us.

To read comments by previous math majors about experiences in Graduate School (in math and other fields), check out our new student comments page.

Students interested in going to graduate school in mathematics will need to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) in mathematics.  Be aware that the deadline for signing up for the math GRE is earlier than you might realize (often early October).  See for the precise dates. For international students, please be aware they will ask for your passport as the only form of acceptable ID at GRE testing locations in the USA.

Graduate Schools and Fellowships: