Courses in Philosophy

Spring 2009

PHIL-01 Rights and Wrongs

Jyl Gentzler (Section 01)

PHIL-11 Introduction to Philosophy

Thomas R. Kearns (Sections 01 and 02)

PHIL-18 Early Modern Philosophy

Matthew E. Silverstein (Section 01)

PHIL-19 Philosophy of Religion

Andrew C. Dole (Section 01)

PHIL-24 Philosophy of Law

Nishiten Shah (Section 01)

PHIL-33 Philosophy of Mind

Joseph G. Moore (Section 01)

PHIL-36 Philosophy of Language

Kevin Klement (Section 01)

PHIL-38 What Is Morality About?

Nishiten Shah (Section 01)
Matthew E. Silverstein (Section 01)

PHIL-49 Aristotle

Jyl Gentzler (Section 01)

PHIL-60 Seminar: Reason, Experience and Reflection

Jonathan M. Vogel (Section 01)

PHIL-67 Seminar: Philosophy of Music

Joseph G. Moore (Section 01)