Courses in Psychology

Fall 2009

PSYC-11 Introduction to Psychology

Catherine A. Sanderson (Sections 01 and 02)

PSYC-12 Introduction to Biological Psychology

Sarah M. Turgeon (Section 01)

PSYC-21 Personality Psychology

Amy P. Demorest (Section 01)

PSYC-22 Statistics and Experimental Design

Matthew Schulkind (Section 01)

PSYC-25 Psychopharmacology

Sarah M. Turgeon (Section 01)

PSYC-28 Abnormal Psychology

Richard P. Halgin (Section 01)

PSYC-33 Cognitive Psychology

Matthew Schulkind (Section 01)

PSYC-35 Sports Psychology

Catherine A. Sanderson (Section 01)

PSYC-36 Psychology of Aging

Lisa A. Raskin (Section 01)

PSYC-38 Psychobiography: The Study of Lives

Amy P. Demorest (Section 01)

PSYC-40 Sex Role Socialization

TBA (Section 01)

PSYC-44 The Social Psychology of Race

Allen J. Hart (Section 01)

PSYC-45 Psychology of Morality

Piercarlo Valdesolo (Section 01)

PSYC-71 Psychopathology

Lisa A. Raskin (Section 01)