Courses in Religion

Fall 2015

RELI-111 Introduction to Religion

Robert Doran (Section 01)
Susan Niditch (Section 01)

RELI-131 Religions of Latin America

William Girard (Section 01)

RELI-152 Introduction to Buddhist Traditions

Maria R. Heim (Section 01)

RELI-157 Religion in the Himalayas:  Coexistence, Conflict and Change

TBA (Section 01)

RELI-181 The Qur'an:  the Text and its Readers

Suleiman Mourad (Section 01)

RELI-223 To Be Religious and Modern

Max P. Mueller (Section 01)

RELI-236 Liberal Religion in the United States

David W. Wills (Section 01)

RELI-263 Ancient Israel

Susan Niditch (Section 01)

RELI-322 Religion, Empires, and Secular States in the Nineteenth Century

Monica M. Ringer (Section 01)

Related Courses

HIST-319 Religion, Empires, and Secular States in the Nineteenth Century (Course not offered this semester.)
Exterior of Chapin Hall, a red brick, two-storied building
The Religion Department is in Chapin Hall