By Faculty vote on April 23, 1968 (amended on December 15, 1987), courses may be scheduled according to the following pattern:

1. Monday-Wednesday-Friday: Fifty-minute classes may be scheduled on the hour: 9: 10: 11: 12: 1: 2: 3:00. Eighty-minute classes may be scheduled at 8:30, 12:30 and 2:00 on Monday-Wednesday, Wednesday-Friday, Monday-Friday. Seminars and laboratories and class meetings of 90 minutes or longer may be scheduled afternoons at 2:00.

2. Tuesday-Thursday: Classes up to 80 minutes in length (including fifty-minute classes) may be scheduled at 8:30, at 10:00, and at 11:30; fifty-minute classes may be scheduled at 1: 2: 3:00. Seminars and laboratories and class meetings of 90 minutes or longer may be scheduled afternoons at 2:00.

3. (Amended by Faculty vote on February 12, 1991) A section of a multi-sectioned course may be scheduled between 7:30 and 8:50 on Monday and Wednesday evenings or a laboratory of a multi-sectioned laboratory at 7:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

4. Classes may be scheduled at times other than those provided above by permission of the Dean of the Faculty.