Outside Grants and Fellowships

The process of developing a funding proposal requires scholars to consider carefully their work’s contribution to their field and to articulate ideas to a broad audience, providing ways of focusing faculty members’ research plans and contributing to their career development. Grant-supported projects also enhance and expand the educational opportunities available to Amherst students. 

The Office of Sponsored Research and Foundation Relations and the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty work together to assist faculty with seeking grants to support their research and with compliance requirements. 

Faculty who seek support for their individual research agendas and creative activities and/or for a programmatic or curricular project that will be sponsored by the College as an institution should contact Michael Stein, director of foundation relations, or Jamin Weeks, director of sponsored research. Anthony Bishop, associate provost and dean of the faculty, would also be happy to answer questions and provide guidance.

The Alliance to Advance Liberal Arts Colleges (AALAC) Collaborative Workshops

Topping Up Policy

Amherst encourages faculty members to apply for outside fellowships and grants that will support and recognize their scholarly and creative work. To offset some of the financial burden that may result from accepting a fellowship at a level below a faculty member’s regular salary, most often when a leave of absence is required, the college provides supplemental salary support. Tenure-line faculty members who take a leave of absence to conduct scholarly or creative work under the auspices of an external grant or fellowship are eligible to receive up to one-half of their salary for the period of their leave, up to one year, to bring the fellowship or grant stipend to the faculty member’s full salary for that time frame. The college’s policy of longstanding regarding benefits remains applicable. If a tenure-line faculty member receives a fellowship (or other employment) that includes benefits, the college will cover any uncovered benefits costs, beyond the funds provided by the fellowship or grant, provided that the faculty member contributes the share of benefit costs normally met by a faculty member. The provost will review all Topping Up proposals.