Greetings! My name is Bonnie Lin, and I am a rising sophomore from Chula Vista, CA (or San Diego, if you have no idea where that is).

Most students declare their major at the end of the sophomore year, but I have declared Statistics as my major. Apart from my major, I have many academic interests, ranging from neuroscience to English to law/justice. This is in part to due to Amherst introducing me to so many new activities; I never imagined myself singing in an all women's choir, writing for an online college blog called HerCampus, cheerleading with Purple Pride, and working with the budget for AAS, the student government. But guess what? That's me!

Bonnie Lin

One fact about myself that many people don't know is I have had the same goal since second grade: pretty handwriting. Sadly, I'm still not 100% satisfied with my penmanship. Maybe I'll upload some snapshots of handwritten blogposts this summer.

Don't worry, though. Pretty handwriting isn't my only goal. You will get to know more about my summer bucket list as time goes on.

I really hope to see some emails from people outside of the virtual world to assure me that I am not just spewing words into an empty void. Reach me at, or send me some handwritten letters.

Tags:  introduction  Bonnie  Lin