50th Reunion

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No good purpose would be served by delineating my work progression through its various phases other than to say that over most of the years my work-related responsibilities fell under two major classifications: Industrial Relations and Government Affairs. I found each to be exciting and stimulating. During those years, I traveled in excess of two million air miles and drove a distance equivalent to twenty times around the world. I sometimes felt that travel pers se was my most important product, but ninety percent was accomplished after the day's work was done.

Of the two classifications, government affairs was my favorite. Frequently meeting with top personnel in several federal administrations as well as Congressional people from several states was interesting and worthwhile. Those contacts were supplemented by a close working relationship with the chief executives, department heads and legislators in the several states where my Company had its operations. I served on the boards of several statewide organizations and was chairman of some major state-wide committees in those states. An honor of particular personal pride was to receive the highest civilian award offered by the state of Indiana from two of its governors for service to the state and the steel industry. But enough of that.

Married for over 45 years, Mary Anne and I have enjoyed a good and happy life. Our three children are married and scattered over the country in Maine, Iowa and California. Three wonderful grandsons round it all out.

When we returned to Ohio a few years ago, we found after a long search a farm which suited us perfectly. Not a working farm, it provides ample outdoor activity and exercise with its ten acres of woods and its five acres of lawn and gardens and also permits us to have our german shepherds and golden retrievers which seem to be our constant companions - at times almost too constant. For the past fifteen years we've managed an annual trip to a foreign shore, supplemented by journeys in our own country, but always return to the farm with joy and contentment.

I retired about three years ago and with a few exceptions have divorced myself completely from outside business activities. If I do anything of significance other than enjoy the out-of-doors and visits with good friends, I guess one might say it's to handle personal investments. Anyway it's the informal kind of life that suits us to a 'T'. and I just hope it lasts for a while. Last week I celebrated my seventieth birthday in London; thank God our health is good and that we are not limited in our activities. We've lived our lives in a manner which appeals to us. We've tried to accept the ups and downs realistically and to deal with problems as they appeared. We've tried to accept the process of growing older by thinking young. I'm happy and content to be right where I am with no ambition whatsoever to be elsewhere or to do otherwise. My goals, if indeed I ever had any, have generally been accommodated and for that am most grateful.

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