50th Reunion

As we approach our 50th, I eagerly look forward to meeting with my classmates and receiving my "diploma". I remain fiercely loyal to the "Fairest College", and am very proud to be an alumnus of same. When I discuss my Amherst experience, I always note that I couldn’t get in today.

Over the years, it has been rewarding to view my fellow alumni and note the diverse fields in which they have expressed their talents and achieved success, including having three Fortune 500 CEO's in our class, as well as other notables in a variety of fields, thus proving that Amherst really does provide a truly excellent education.

I look back at my Amherst education as basically learning how to think and appreciate other points of view--and such stars as Packard and the Battle of Jutland, Colston Warne and comparative economic systems, as well as Ziegler and his black tie.

Following my graduation from Amherst, I enjoyed two years in the Marine Corps, a fabulous experience which taught me more about myself, brought me into contact with other wonderful people, and enabled me to see the Far East.

 In fact, that got me into the "travel mood", which I was later able to expand upon.  But at that time, I was able to live on lwo Jima for two weeks (and climb Mt. Suribachi), see Okinawa, visit Hiroshima, and be stationed in Korea where I went into the DMZ.  In later life, I was able to visit other historic places such as the Normany beaches, Anzio, Pearl Harbor, Devil's Island, Gallipoli, Munich, Paris, London, Leningrad, etc.

Following service in the USMC, I joined Procter & Gamble, where I spent 12 great years, and learned about the business world.  Two of my classmates were also there, including Bob Jones and Nick Evans.  At P & G, I learned how American business operates from the inside of America's best managed company (at that time). The lessons I learned there stuck with me the rest of my life.

During that time, I married, and although the marriage failed, it did produce two wonderful children, and two fine grandsons.

My lifelong interest in politics was rewarded as I went to Washington in 1 96 and worked in the House of Representatives for two years with Bob Taft, scion of one of the great American political families.  There I met some great people (American political leaders), and learned how our great democracy operates.  And in turn, this led to a career in lobbying where I was able to combine the best of business with best of politics.

Harry Westbay