25th Reunion

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Having minored in Smith and Holyoke, I’m surprised that it took three marriages to finally get it right, but the third time was and is a charm. Mary is just simply the best (and the last). Strangely enough, what I took away from Amherst was taught by Arnold Arons. The use of the Socratic method of learning has guided me in dealing with my employees when I was working and later the people I counsel in groups where they have lose someone to suicide – my son’s suicide in 1993 led me into the mental health field. I found that while I might have some of the answers, just giving them out solved nothing for the person with the question. Working together to come to some answers helped them as well as me.

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I have a blessed and full life-many travels, wonderful children and grandchildren, a home on the ocean and many good friends. My health is good and while I could go on for pages, it seems to be enough to say that I am content (except for our government-but perhaps that will all change in Nov. 2008). I look forward to our 50th.