The 1821 Society

Your story, your gift, your Amherst.

“Amherst gave so much to me—I feel the benefits of the education I received every day. I’m proud of Amherst’s progressive financial aid and commitment to providing access to its education that is as egalitarian as possible. I give to safeguard this ability, especially in the face of a tough economy.” 

Catherine Goold ’07




“No one pays the full freight of an Amherst education, as we all benefit from the generosity of the people who came before us. Because I had such a stellar academic experience at Amherst, I feel it is incumbent on me to pay it forward.”

Will Johnson ’03





“Amherst’s reputation opens many doors. In fact, it helped me land my first real job. The critical reasoning skills that Amherst taught me have been vital to my success and growth as a professional. I am thankful to the college for all that it has done for me, and I look forward to continuing to give back in the future.”   

Michael J. Serviansky ’09





“The time I spent at Amherst has been the most influential experience in my life thus far. Amherst changed how I approached learning—it taught me how to analyze and think critically. By giving to Amherst, I am recognizing its significant impact on my life, my work and my ability to contribute to society.”

Justin Curzi ’01

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