This is the most routine function of the Treasurer's Office. Remember, anyone in your club can submit for reimbursement - it does not have to be just the event organizer, club Treasurer, or club President - if fronting the money is not possible.

To receive reimbursement for a purchase you made:

1.  Make sure the funding was allocated to you.

2.  Fill out the online Check Request Form. Remember:

      • All check requests must include the appropriate line item number in the budget, which is the allocation's location in the budget. For all discretionary requests, be sure to include the week number on the check request form.
      • Appropriate documentation must be attached to the check request form. If you do not provide a receipt or a proof of purchase, we will not reimburse you.
      • Be sure to indicate the amount of reimbursement that you are requesting be paid to you, not the amount that was allocated to you in the budget. For example, if you were allocated $50 for food but only spent $47.50, write $47.50 on the check request form because that is the amount that we will reimburse you, not $50.

Remember, all check request forms must be submitted within sixty days of purchase. Reimbursement may take up to two weeks to process and be mailed to your campus box number or another address.