The providers at the Health Center can assist in the treatment of acne.  Whether you are currently being treated for acne or are not on treatment yet but would like to discuss beginning some form of acne treatment, you can meet with one of the providers to discuss the options. We can treat acne with prescription lotions/creams or gels, antibiotics or Isotretinoin (also known as Accutane).


In order to be prescribed Isotretinoin-you will need to be registered by a provider in the iPledge program (

If you are currently registered in iPledge by your home provider and need your blood drawn monthly to continue your treatment, you can make an appointment with the Health Center for this type of visit. 

If you decide together with your current prescribing provider that you would like the Health Center to take over prescribing your Isotretinoin, the home provider will need to discontinue care with you through iPledge in order for a Health Center provider to continue prescribing the Isotretinoin. 

If you have never been on Isotretinoin and would like to work with one of our providers to initiate treatment, you can make an appointment to be seen to discuss further.


Please call the Health Center at (413) 542-2267 to make an appointment or for any questions regarding acne.