We have free condoms, oral dams, and lubrication provided by Health Education available to you in the lobby of the Health Center.

The Health Center offers counseling and prescriptions for the following birth control methods:

(1) Oral Contraceptive Pill – OCPs are a hormonal method of birth control taken by mouth once per day. We can help you decide which pill is the best fit for you and provide you with a prescription. This method is covered by most insurances at $0 copay.

(2) Nuvaring – The Nuvaring is a flexible, plastic ring that is inserted vaginally every month and is covered by most insurances for $0 copay. We can discuss this hormonal birth control with you in person and provide a prescription if this is the method of your choice.

(3) Emergency Contraception (Plan B)


In addition, the Health Center offers counseling and referrals for the following birth control methods:

Intrauterine Devices – IUDs are a long acting birth control method placed in the uterus during a minor procedure at a local gynecological office. IUDs come in both hormonal and non-hormonal forms and are one of the most effective birth control methods available. Effectiveness lasts from 3-10 years depending on the IUD chosen for use. We can provide consultation and education to you to help you decide if this is the right method for you. If you choose to have an IUD placed we are happy to discuss the offices listed below to assist you with finding a good provider.

Nexplanon -  This birth control method is a single-capsule implant inserted under the skin of the arm. This hormonal birth control remains effective for up to 3 years and requires a minor surgical procedure to insert and remove the implant. We can provide consultation and education to you to help you decide if this is the right method for you. If you choose Nexplanon we are happy to discuss the offices listed below to assist you with finding a good provider.

Community OB-GYN Providers

Northampton OBGYN, 325B King St, Northampton, Ma, Ph (413) 586-2496 (This office also sends providers to the University Health Services office at UMass. Please call the number above to request to see a provider at UHS).

Cooley Dickinson Women’s Health Care Ph (413) 586-9866 (Offices located at: 22 Atwood Drive, Northampton MA / 170 University Drive, Amherst MA / 30 Locust St (Cooley Dickinson Hospital), Northampton MA

Planned Parenthood – Western Massachusetts Health Center, Ph (800) 258-4448, 3550 Main Street, Springfield MA 01007