On a dynamic, engaged campus like Amherst’s, individuals or groups of people will exercise their right to free speech and assembly. Sometimes, however, peaceful demonstrations can turn confrontational or heated and devolve into a riot or violence. If tensions start to escalate:

  • Report any suspicious behavior or unauthorized persons in your building or on campus to the Amherst College Police Department (ACPD) at 413.542.2111.
  • Stay inside and away from doors and windows.
  • Secure your area (doors, safes, files, vital records, expensive equipment, etc.).
  • Be vigilant and aware of unfolding events.   
  • Do not engage in verbal confrontations, and do not physically engage protestors. If you are personally confronted, remain calm and try not to raise your voice or escalate the situation.

Download a PDF of the Amherst College Emergency Response Handbook.