Personality and Political Leadership


Autobiographies and other primary sources

Autobiographies and memoirs

  • 5 Colleges Catalog (materials held in the 5 Colleges)
    • For autobiographies or memoirs, 1) use the Advanced Search, and in the first search box, enter the leader's name (i.e. winston churchill). In the drop-down menu to the left of the search box, select "Author keywords". 2) In the second search box, enter the leader's name again, followed by OR biography (i.e., winston churchill OR biography). In the drop-down menu to the left of the search box, select "Subject keywords". This should include all works written by the leader, about the leader (though it will also include biographies of other historical figures written by the leader).
    • For a comprehensive list of works written by your leader, 1) click on the drop-down menu under "New Search" (in the top left corner), and select Author (last name first). 2) Enter the leader's last name, followed by a comma, and the leader's first name (i.e., Sotomayor, Sonia) 3) Click on the link that seems most appropriate. This should include all works in which the leader has some sort of authorship.
  • WorldCat (materials not held in the 5 Colleges)
    • For a comprehensive list of works written by your leader, about your leader, 1) use the Advanced Search, and in the first search box, enter the leader's name (i.e. winston churchill). In the drop-down menu to the right of the search box, select "Author". 2) In the second search box, enter the leader's name again. In the drop-down menu to the right of the search box, select "Subject". Note: WorldCat includes works written for a juvenile audience.

Primary Source Collections

  • 5 Colleges Catalog
    • 1) use the Advanced Search, and in the first search box, enter the leader's name (i.e. winston churchill). In the drop-down menu to the left of the search box, select "Subject keywords". 2) In the second search box, copy and paste the following, in bold: "archival resources" or archives or correspondence or diaries or interviews or notebooks or sketchbooks or "personal narratives" or photographs or "pictorial works" or sources or speeches [the 'or' between terms allows the catalog to search for any of the terms, not all of them]. In the drop-down menu to the left of the search box, select "Subject keywords"

    Databases (secondary sources)