
Over the years, my teaching interests have always begun with my professional interest in biochemistry and cell biology.  For that reason, I have taught Biochemistry (Bio/Chem 331) and Structural Biochemistry (Bio 310), and in more recent years, Biophysics (Bio 400).  Many years ago,  Dominic Poccia and I created a course in modern cell biology (Cell Structure and Function, Bio 291).   Naturally, this interest led to advanced seminars in Molecular Biology, as well as in Cell Biology, and participation in the moelcular introductory course in Biology (Bio 191).

Beyond this narrow focus, my interests in history, evolution, and particularly in the history of science have resulted in my participation in courses for freshmen on Darwin  (Evolution and Intellectual Revolution), on War, and on Extinction.  And because I felt there was a perceived need, I have also taught Animal Physiology (Bio 26).