The Course Catalog Editing system lets faculty members submit new course proposals, make major and minor revisions to existing courses, and view information about any course offered by the College.

Proposing a New Course.

First, go to the Course Catalog Editing System and click on the link to the academic year when the new course would first be offered. Then, click on the link to the subject area of the course.

In the yellow toolbar, click the Add button, then click on the Course link.

Your now presented with a course-editing screen that has the subject area filled out and very little else. At the very least, you must enter a Short Title (no more than 24 characters) and Long Title for the new course, and set its Status for This Year to New. Scroll to the bottom an click Save. The new course will now appear in the course listings.

Before the course can be considered you'll need to edit its listing to include the course number, description, instructor data, and course metadata. You can enter this information when you create the course or later by returning to the course listing and clicking on the edit link next to the course. One item you should not enter is the Datatel ID of the course. This will be supplied by the Registrar's office.

Once the basic information is entered either the faculty member or the ADC can move the course workflow from Proposal to ADC\Faculty. When it's ready for department chair approval the course should be moved to the Dept. Chair workflow.

Regarding new cross-listings, please give the necessary information to your ADC, who will create the new cross-listing.

Revising an Existing Course

First, go to the Course Catalog Editing System and click on the link to the upcoming academic year. Then, click on the link to the subject area of the course. Find the course in the list (you may have to navigate to subsequent pages in the list using the links at the bottom of the page) and click its corresponding Edit link.

In the course-editing screen you'll be able to change most aspects of a course's catalog listing. When you do so, you have to indicate in Status for This Year whether the changes constitute a minor or major revision. If the latter, the course will have to go through the course approval process. If you're unsure of whether a revision is major or minor, please check with your ADC or department chair.

When finished with your revisions, click the Save button.

Note that although any faculty member can edit any course in the system, the expectation is that you will refrain from making changes to courses that are not of direct concern to you.

Viewing Courses

Every faculty member can view the status of any course as it makes its way through the course catalog system. From the home screen of the course editing system click the academic year that you want to view. You can either select a subject area, scroll through the list of courses below the subject areas list, or, on the right-hand side of the screen, select one of the reports that show courses based upon certain criteria.

As is the case throughout the system, most of the column headers above a listing of courses are links that let you sort the list alphabetically. Clicking the same column header a second time reverses the order of the list.

Also, any course listing over 20 entries long will be broken into pages. Use the links at the bottom of the list to navigate between the different pages.