A young man holding up a sign saying: Love Your Thesis and yourself
To succeed at the challenge of writing a multi-chapter thesis, an informed approach to the writing process may be helpful. Your advisor will guide you through this process in your discipline, but many thesis writers find additional support, guidance, and motivation in the Writing Center.
  • Early in the fall, you might learn about integrating your research and writing processes, get support in setting deadlines, talk through your ideas, or get feedback on early writing.
  • As you move towards completing your first chapter, you might aim to develop your revision skills, find an effective writing process, and improve your writing more generally, so that drafts of subsequent chapters are even stronger.
  • If you find yourself stuck, we can help you get going again, whether that means sorting out your ideas, structuring your time, avoiding procrastination, or discovering new strategies for writing.

Writing Consultations

Working with Associates

Some thesis writers find it useful to find one associate with whom to work on a regular basis. Others appreciate the variety of perspectives and strategies offered by working with different associates throughout the writing process.

Consult with a writing associate to talk out your ideas, get "unstuck," start writing a new section, get feedback on chunks of writing or whole chapters, organize your approach, or discuss any aspect of thesis-writing you'd like.

Schedule a consultation

You might start by completing the Thesis Intake Form, both to facilitate your thinking about how you might use the Writing Center, and to help us support your individual process.

Writing While Researching

Rather than moving abruptly from researching to writing (and being faced with a blank screen), write throughout your research process. You can use writing to plan your project, gather evidence, record other people’s arguments, respond to readings, develop your own ideas and distinguish them from others’, and reflect on where you are in your project and where to go next.

To move from writing for yourself to writing for an audience (or from note-taking to something more coherent), try:

Productivity Resources

A student working on a laptop that has a purple mammoth on the back of the screen

Increase the Ease and Efficiency of Your Writing

We offer a number of online resources to help your productivity—from setting up a dedicated writing environment to managing your writing time more effectively.

Learn More
A student speaking intently while other students listen.

Asking for and Receiving Feedback

Think about the different readers you’ve had for the different projects you’ve done. What sort of feedback was most useful? What wasn’t helpful? Use the following guide to help you think about and better integrate feedback into your writing process.

Student in library with head down on a table covered with open books.

Reading for Research Projects

Establishing a purpose for reading before you read will help you read more effectively and, in some cases, more efficiently. This guide offers general strategies for savvy reading, as well as approaches to reading specifically for research.