We examine feminist and queer thought in a variety of global and historical contexts. Faculty specialize in literature, history, anthropology, film, and politics.

Rose Olver

Now Accepting Submissions!

The SWAGS Department is now accepting submissions for the David Kirp 1965 Stonewall Prize (deadline: Monday, April 15) and the Rose Olver Prize  (Extended deadline: Wednesday, April 17 at noon).

Book open with papers fanning on top of stack of books

Faculty Office Hours

SWAGS faculty are available each week to meet with students. Their offices are located in various buildings across campus.

Five College Certificates

An illustration of a person with their arms in the air

Five College Certificate in Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice

Students delve into the social, economic, legal and political conditions that influence reproduction through a variety of classes across the five colleges. Students graduating in May 2020 should submit documents to their RHRJ advisor by April 20.

Learn More about the RHRJ certificate.

A rainbow flag backlit by the sun

Five College Certificate in Queer, Trans, and Sexuality Studies

Students critically examine the relationship between sexual and gender identities, experiences, cultures and communities in a wide range of historical and political contexts through a variety of classes across the five colleges.

Learn More about the QTS certificate.