Lucius Root Eastman 1895 Fund-Visiting Lecturers and other purposes

Established in 1947 by Eva Eastman, widow of Lucius Root Eastman, Class of 1895, in memory of her husband. The objectives of the fund are as follows: "To enlarge the horizons of knowledge of the students; to stimulate the growth of leadership and personality possibilities in the student body; to emphasize the ethical responsibilities of every adult to society; to increase the recognition of the interdependence of persons and peoples, and therefore of the need to foster and improve the understanding of human relationships." 

Samuel B. Cummings Lectureship Fund

Established by bequest of Samuel B. Cummings in 1997, income from this endowed fund is to be used for an annual or biennial lecture in one of the academic fields of Anthropology, Archaeology, Psychology, and/or Sociology. At the donor's request, each of the academic fields should be represented one time in every fourth lecture, each field being covered by a lecture in its turn each year or each two years. 

Corliss Lamont Lectureship for a Peaceful World

Established in 1982 by Corliss Lamont P'57. The income of the Fund is to be utilized to support Amherst College in furtherance of this institution's academic purposes and, more particularly, in furtherance of the cause of peace in the world. The Donor and the Trustees of the College agree that "the cause of peace in the world" must be interpreted flexibly. They acknowledge that Lamont Lecturers may, in different periods, be sought suitably in the United States or elsewhere among philosophers, political scientists, economists, historians, and others whose diverse backgrounds (including direct participation in governmental activities) may provide insights into the analytical or operational problems of lessening frictions among nations. 

Max and Etta Lazerowitz Lectureship Fund

Established in 1985 by Professor Morris Lazerowitz in honor of his parents. The income from this fund is used to provide for the annual appointment of the Lazerowitz Lecturer. Selected each year by the Dean of the Faculty, with consultation, the Lazerowitz Lecturer will be a member of the Amherst College Faculty below the rank of full professor. 

Georges Lurcy Lecture Series at Amherst

Established in 1982 by the Georges Lurcy Charitable and Educational Trust, this lecture series brings distinguished speakers to Amherst to discuss topics relating to countries other than the United States, provide international perspectives and reflect diverse cultures.