Books by Robert Frost in the Amherst College Archives

Robert Frost taught at Amherst for many years, and formed friendships and close connections with many students, members of the faculty, members of the administration, and others in the community. They read and collected his work over the course of many years, and Frost often inscribed copies of his books for them, sometimes including a poem or part of a poem.

Many of these copies of his books have come to the Amherst College Library as gifts. These copies are described here in more detail than is practical in the Library's on-line catalog. Links from catalog entries for particular works and specific editions connect directly to the appropriate descriptions.

Listed here are only Frost's major books that were originally issued during his lifetime. Separate printings of individual poems, including the Christmas poems, are not included here, but are accessible through the online catalog.

To view the descriptions of all editions, printings, issues, and other variants of a particular work, click on the appropriate link below. The works are listed in chronological order of the first edition.

A Boy's Will (1913)

North of Boston (1914)

Mountain Interval (1916)

Selected Poems (1923)

New Hampshire (1923)

West-Running Brook (1928)

Selected Poems (1928)

A Way Out (1929)

Collected Poems (1930)

Selected Poems (1934)

A Further Range (1936)

Selected Poems (1936)

Collected Poems (1939)

A Witness Tree (1942)

Collected Poems (1942)

Steeple Bush (1947)

Selected Poems (1955)

In the Clearing

Selected Poems (1973)