Adult summer program participants may use the library's computers as they are available, including those on Level A. Summer youth program students may use the library's computers only while directly supervised by their program's teachers. Summer program students unaccompanied by their teacher(s) will be asked to leave the library.

Summer program teachers wishing to use a group of computers for extended class instruction/study may be able to use their own program's lab and should not count on regularly using library computers for classes. The computers on Level A can be used for summer program classes occasionally, by emailing Access Services 24 hours in advance. Summer program coordinators must arrange for printing privileges by contacting Access Services.


If you or one of the programs that you schedule has questions about library services, please do not hesitate to contact Access Services.


Amherst College libraries open to the public are Frost Library (AC Frost) and Morgan Music Library (AC Music). Regular summer hours are weekdays only, typically:

Frost  Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm  (413) 542-2373
Frost Sat-Sun 10am-4pm (413) 542-2373
Music Mon-Fri 1pm - 4pm  (413) 542-2387

Be sure to consult our Hours for any variations on particular dates.

Within Frost Library are several separate and distinct service areas and collections each with its own hours of service:

Archives & Special Collections  Mon-Fri   9am - 4pm  (413) 542-2299
Reference  Mon-Fri    12:30 - 3pm  (413) 542-2319


All visitors to Amherst College campus are welcome to consult library materials in the Amherst College Library and its branch libraries. If you have questions about the libraries, please feel free to ask for help in any of the libraries. Reference librarians are happy to offer assistance in identifying and locating material in the general collections.

Loan Eligibility

Certain summer programs are de facto research seminars. Their directors have made arrangements for in depth use of the library facilities, including borrowing privileges, and for participants to work closely with Reference and Circulation staff. Borrowers must have their card to charge out books and are responsible for all items charged out with their card. Visitors cannot borrow materials through the Five Colleges system or make use of Interlibrary Loan.

Adult participants in summer programs who are permanent local residents are always welcome to borrow books from the Amherst College Library as community borrowers.

Materials Available For Check Out

Up to 10 items from the circulating collection at Frost Library or Keefe Science Library may be borrowed at any given time. Materials from the Amherst College Depository may be requested using the Depository Request Form. Depository items will be delivered to the Circulation Desk for checkout within 2 working days.

Materials Restricted to "In Library Use Only"

Periodicals, items from Archives & Special Collections, and videos may not leave the library.

Loan Periods

The regular loan period is 28 days. Books can be renewed. If the program is less than four weeks long, items will be due the Wednesday of the last week the group is on campus. Items that have been recalled for other patrons have shortened due dates and cannot be renewed. Books that have not been returned by that time will incur replacement charges.

Replacement Charges

Before their summer program ends, programs will be sent a notice if items are still charged out to them. The overdue notice will state the title, call number and date due of the overdue material. Items that are not returned promptly are liable to be billed. The replacement charge for most regular circulating items is $85.00. The sponsoring summer program assumes responsibility for all bills charged to participants.


The computer workstations in the libraries are intended for library research. Those on the first floor of Frost Library do not have word processing or spreadsheet capabilities. All computers do have full Internet access.

Adult summer program participants may use the library's computers as they are available, including those on Level A. Summer youth program participants may use the library's computers only while directly supervised by staff from their programs. We assume that students will always treat the Library’s equipment with the same respect they accord the Library’s books and journals. Youth program participants who appear to be without supervision or who abuse materials or equipment will be asked to leave the library.

For extended classroom instruction on computers, groups must book their own computer labs and should not count on regularly using library computers for classes. Summer program coordinators must arrange for printing privileges by contacting Access Services.

Reference Assistance

In the summer librarians staff the Frost Library reference desk from 12:30-3pm Monday-Friday. In addition to this one-on-one research assistance, reference librarians can give orientation to the Library to teachers and counselors from the youth programs if they make appointments in advance. They can also provide introductions to library resources to other groups that have made special arrangements directly with them (x5387) or (x2319). Occasionally reference librarians meet with classes from secondary school programs (always supervised by their teachers). Teachers should contact Research & Instruction and talk over their projects and what they expect their students to learn about the Library.

Archives & Special Collections

Archivists are available to offer support to scholars who have come to use rare and archival materials in the Archives & Special Collections. Please contact them directly at x2299 for further information.