Majors are expected to obtain a scientifically-grounded appreciation of the underlying physical and biological processes that shape ecosystems on Earth, including a comprehensive understanding of major environmental challenges – climate change, depletion/degradation of natural resources, and loss of biodiversity.

Environmental Studies majors should gain a rigorous understanding of how past and present economic systems and systemic inequality shape environmental outcomes. They will also learn about environmental policies and practices, including how social and political movements contribute to the implementation of policies that protect natural resources and biodiversity while promoting economic, racial, and climate justice.

We expect majors to learn basic research methods that can be used to analyze the natural or socio-political components of environmental systems, including statistics, ethnographic research, econometrics, survey methods, interview methods, or Geographic Information Systems. Majors will also acquire tools to analyze how natural systems interact with cultural, political, and economic forces.

We expect majors to be able to critically evaluate and engage with public debates about environmental issues.