Books in Preparation

Anna Seghers in the Americas  (working title).

Gender, Politics, and the Literary AvantGarde in Weimar Germany (working title).


Anna Seghers Werkausgabe. Das erzählerische Werk 1950-1957, II/4. Berlin, Aufbau-Verlag, 2009.

Anna Seghers Werkausgabe. Das erzählerische Werk 1958-1966, II/5. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 2007.

Günter Grass. Berlin: Morgenbuchverlag Volker Spiess, 1998.

Anna Seghers. Berlin: Colloquium, 1992.

Zwischen Gestern und Morgen: Schriftstellerinnen der DDR aus amerikanischer Sicht. Berlin: Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1992.

Zitat und Montage in der neueren DDR-Prosa. Frankfurt/M.: Lang, 1984.

Selected Articles:

"Anna Seghers Rubble Literature, 1947-1949". In: Festschrift for Helen Fehervary. (Under consideration by Camden House.)

"Points of Attack--Yes or No? Anna Seghers Around 1950." In: Anna Seghers (Under consideration by German Monitor.)

"Anna Seghers, Die Feier--ein Dramafragment der Nachkriegszeit." In Sinn und Form 6 (2014), 785-791.

"Anna Seghers' Trümmerliteratur, 1947-1949". In Archivexpeditionen DDR Literatur. Berlin: Chr. Links Verlag, 2014, 172-186.

"Anna Seghers, Die Kraft der Schwachen" in Literary Encyclopedia. London: The Literary Encyclopedia, 2011

"Anna Seghers' Politics of Affirmation." In Anna Seghers in Perspective. Ed. Ian Wallace. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998, 175–197.

"Between Utopia and Party Doctrine: Anna Seghers in the 1950s." In Gegenwartsbewältigung – Coming to Terms with the Present. Ed. Patricia Anne Simpson. Michigan German Studies 21 (1998), 139–149.

"Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg: Poetics, Politics, and Inspiration." In Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries. Ed. Elke Friederiksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1998, pp. 171–179.

"Anna Maria von Schurman: Star of Utrecht." In Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries. Ed. Elke Friedreriksen. New York: Greenwood Press, 1998, pp. 442-450.

"Auf dem Weg zu Anna Seghers. Biographie als Annäherung." In Argonautenschiff 4 (1995), 267–271.

"Neugegründet, abgewickelt, aufgelöst: Ostberliner Verlage heute." In GDR-Bulletin 18 (Spring 1992), 57–64.

"Baroque Women Writers and the Public Sphere." In Women in German Yearbook 7. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1991, pp. 43–63.

"Utopie, Fortschrittsdenken und Retrogression im Amerikamotiv um 1800." In Akten des VIII. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses Tokyo 1990. Munich: iudicium, 1991, pp. 230–236.

"Escape to America: Social Reality and Utopian Schemes around 1800." In In the Shadow of Olympus. Ed. Kay Goodman. Albany: SUNY Press, 1991, pp. 157–171.

"Salons." In The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991, pp. 471–472.

"Parody from Beyond: Plenzdorf's New Sufferings and the Eighteenth Century Parodies of Goethe's Werther." In The Age of Goethe Today. Munich: Fink, 1990, pp. 113–122.

"Utopia and Dystopia as Narrative Strategies in Christa Wolf's Störfall." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, 9. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989, pp. 101–114.

"Quotation as Authentication: Christa Wolf's No Place on Earth." In Responses to Christa Wolf. Ed. Marilyn Sibley Fries. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989, pp. 326–348.

"Studierstube - Dichterklub - Hofgesellschaft. Kreativität und kultureller Rahmen weiblicher Erzählkunst im Barock." In Frauen schreiben. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Bd. 1. Ed. Gisela Brinker-Gabler. Munich: Beck, 1988, pp. 222–247.

"Language and Culture: A Third-Year Course in Advanced Conversation and Style." Unterrichtspraxis, 19 (1986), 34–40.

"Towards Socialist Modernism: Ulrich Plenzdorf's kein runter kein fern." In Studies in GDR Culture and Society, 4. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984, pp. 107-123.

"Werther's Children. The Experience of the Second Generation in Ulrich Plenzdorf's Die neuen Leiden des jungen W. and Volker Braun's Unvollendete Geschichte." The German Quarterly, 56 (1983), 608–623.