Windows 10

  1. In the Windows Search box type Run.
  2. In the search bar on the bottom left, type \\ps005\ and press Enter on the keyboard.
  3. In the list of networked printers, the first 4 letters of each printer corresponds to the department name. For example the English department is listed as ENGL. Some departments will have only one network printer, while others may have several. Check with your Administrative Department Coordinator (ADC) to find out which printers you should use. If you can't find the printer for your department or have questions please contact the IT Help Desk.
  4. To view more information about the listed printers, right click on a printer then click View then Details. The printer list will now display with the printer details showing.
  5. Double-click the printer you want to connect to. If asked to install drivers for that printer, you must click Yes, Allow, Accept, OK, or Run as applicable.
  6. If you want to make the network printer or any other printer your preferred default printer, go back to the Windows Start button and click Devices and Printers.
  7. Right click on the printer you want as your default. An icon of a green circle with a white check indicates which is the default printer.  
  8. When you print from a file or document, if needed select the network printer from the Printer Name drop-down list of available printers.