Amherst College e-News 2/24/2015

Board Releases Statement on Sustainability and Investment — In a statement released today, the Board expressed its interest in a carbon-neutral College footprint, funding green-energy projects and capital projects that reduce energy use, investing with endowment-fund managers who apply environmental considerations in investment decisions, and establishing the College as a model for sustainable practices, plus other related actions.

Caribbean Lit Course Spawns Collaborations, Partnerships — Rhonda Cobham-Sander, the Emily C. Jordan Folger Professor of Black Studies and English, taught "Panama Silver, Asian Gold: Migration Money and the Birth of Modern Caribbean Literature" in conjunction with the Universities of Florida and Miami, and drew on a comprehensive digital archive of the history of Panama and the Panama Canal.

Keys to the City — Alicia Glenn '88, deputy mayor of New York, is working to make housing more affordable to the 99 percent.

Student Life Takes Center Stage in Thesis PlayGrow Up, Already!—a senior honors project by Valerie Rodriguez '15—tackles difficult themes, including mental health, "coming out," suicide and more.

'14 Entrepreneur's Company Featured on Venture-Funding Reality Show — When the judges of Shark Tank talked about Scholly, a scholarship database company co-founded by Bryson Alef '14, the discussion turned into a shouting match.

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