Resources for Curricular Design & Implementation

The following offices and staff are available to provide support and design consultations for faculty and departments considering applying for funding through the Reimagining the Commons Mellon grant. These offices also work closely and collaboratively with one another, through cross-functional project teams comprising members drawn from each department.

  • Center for Teaching and Learning
    Led by Riley Caldwell-O'Keefe, the CTL team provides faculty with in-depth consulting on a range of pedagogical matters including course and curriculum design, student engagement, inclusive and innovative pedagogies, learning assessment, coaching and feedback, and integrating technologies with teaching. The team offers individual consultations, collaborative design sessions, workshops and seminars, private coaching, and relevant research and resources from contemporary scholarship in teaching and learning.

  • Center for Community Engagement
    Led by Sarah Barr, the CCE staff provides faculty and students with opportunities to engage the world in sustained, collaborative, reflective and meaningful ways that enrich an innovative liberal arts education. Specializing in experience-based active learning opportunities, CCE staff are available to meet with faculty for course planning and curriculum development, outreach to community organizations, reflection tools and techniques for learning from community practice, and references on community-based teaching and learning.

  • Writing Center
    Led by Jessica Kem and Jyl Gentzler, William R. Kenan Professor of Philosophy, associates of the center provide faculty with consultations and workshops on a wide range of writing pedagogies. The center offers faculty seminars on the teaching of writing each semester, facilitates conversations and individual consultations about writing instruction, and offers in-class writing workshops for students.

  • Research & Instruction Librarians
    Led by Missy Roser, this team works with hundreds of classes each year in teaching research skills within the context of specific courses and assignments. R&I librarians partner with faculty to craft assignments and to sequence research across semesters or throughout majors. Members of the team teach approaches, strategies, tools, collections, bibliographic management, etc.