Deceased June 22, 2017

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In Memory

Steve Gunnels died June 22 of a heart condition complicated by Parkinson’s. He leaves his wife, Claire; children Patrick, Barbara and Rebecca; and his mother, sister and brother.

Steve was proud of being born in Port Arthur, Texas, Janis Joplin’s hometown. He grew up across the West and Midwest, learning to make new friends easily.

I met Steve in Baird’s freshman English course. Baird once printed up his essay on the dark sun in the College logo. Steve imitated Baird hilariously and affectionately: “Now, boys …” and “Mr. Gunnels, what do you mean by that?” I got to know Steve better sophomore year in Valentine and appreciated his empathetic laughter at others’ foibles.

During our last two years, Steve lived in Phi Psi and majored in English. His senior thesis with Professor Pritchard concerned a Ford Madox Ford novel (I believe The Good Soldier).

In fall 1971, Steve married Claire Braunstein (Mount Holyoke ’71). He graded papers at Harvard Business School and sold gold and silver while Claire earned a Simmons library degree. He was assaulted in Cambridge in 1976 for wearing a Reagan button. I remember Steve’s delivering gold to a client in a briefcase that was chained to his wrist.

In 1978, Steve, Claire and the newborn Patrick moved to Houston. We kept in touch by mail and very occasional visits. In the 1990s, Steve got into web hosting early and initiated the class’s discussion list, allowing for new—virtual—friendships.          

Patrick praised Steve’s optimism, positive attitude, mental toughness and unfailing support for family. After evening dinners, he and Claire regularly announced three things they were grateful for.

Amherst was significant in Steve’s life. He was an important part of my Amherst experience and that of several classmates. He was one of us, and we will miss him.

Tom Smith ’71