Alexei Remizov Albums and Supplementary Materials
Box No. 2
Folder No. Dates Description
1 November 1932 "Kourinas," tale copied by the author from his book The Clock, originally published in English (London, 1924). Handwritten and illustrated by the author, Paris. (6 pages). Five pages of title, text in English.
2 20 March 1934 "Snezhok," Posolon'. Including 2 negative-plates, 7 pages of text and manuscipts and photos. Incomplete. Paris.
3 November 1934 "Za Spekuliatsiyu," (11 pages), Berlinskie dokumenty, including 6 drawings by the auhor. Text-handwritten. Paris. 5 pages title and text in Russian and German.
4 6 October 1934 "Solomonie la Possedee," from The Possessed (Besnovatye). Published in French, 22 pages of text and drawings in India ink, 3 drawings in colored ink, 2 pages of calligraphic signatures #103 rukopisnoye izdanie (Handwritten by author) passed for Dr. Stanislav Leopoldovich Kagan. Paris, hardback.
5 1934 "Volk Samoglot," from Posolon. 12 pages title and text. Captions in Russian and French. Handwritten by the author including 6 drawings (13 pages). Photo of author. Paris.
6 29 July 1935 "Upyr," Posolon'. It includes 9 negative-plates, 9 pages of manuscript. Paris. Captions in German.
7 1935 "Zakryla Okna," 5 pages title and text, 2 drawings in ink and crayon.
8   "Arret Fakultatif"
9   "Dyagilevskie Vechera"
10 29 July 1935 "Nestorykh Koldun," iz knigi: Pokarnizam. Handwritten, 7 large pages. Paris.
11 1937 "Pisemsky," Drawings as illustrations to A.F. Pisemsky for 1. Liudi 40-kh Godov (3)  2. Massony (1) 3. Tysiacha Dush (2)  4.Vzbolomuchennoye More (2)  5. Brak po starosti (1)  6. Bat'ka (1)  7. 2 colored collages sorte of covers (2) 12 "planches exemplaires," autographs uniques, Paris.
12   "Les Cartes des Swedenborg," interpretation of the 36 cards: les cartes devinatoires
13 24 June 1934 "Die Heilige Maus," 9 negative-plates. Paris "Sur les Corniches," 9 pages of photocopies