Sergei Boldyrev Liturgical Music Collection and Faina Terentieva Secular Vocal Music Collection

Faina Terentiev Collection, Russian secular vocal music: Box#5

(44-58) Individual secular vocal pieces (romances, folk song
arrangements), professionally published and
printed.Filed alphabetically by title. Unless otherwise
noted, all music is for single voice with piano

44 "Akh etot vzor!" music by Zh. V.(?), words by P. Yu.
G-re(?), ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series), published by N.
Kh. Davingof, St. Petersburg, date?.
Note: The initials "I.I.T." and the name "Mimi"
appear at the top of the front cover.

"Ballada," music by A. Rubinstein, words by I. Turgenev,
published by Yurgenson, Moscow, date?.
Note: Text in Russian and German.

"Beregis', ne obzhgis'" (Tsyganskii romans), words and
music by M.K. Shteinberg, izdanie "Tsimmerman," St.
Petersburg/Moscow, date?

45 "V dushe moei," music by B. V. Vrangel', words by N. D.
Benardaka, ("Muzykal'nyi Mir" series) Izdatel'stvo "A.
Iorgansen", Petersburg, date?.

"Vernis'!" arrangment by B. Prozorovskii, (Repertoir of
Tamara Tseretelya), published by the author, Moskva, 1925.

"Vremya nichto izmenit' ne moglo" (otvet na romans "Vremya
izmenitsya"), music by Ya. L. Fel'dman, words by G.
Razdol'sky and D. Raskatov, Izdatel'stvo "Muzykal'nyya
Novosti," date?.
Note: the name Galina Dobrich appears on the

"Vremya izmenitsya," words and music by B. S. Borisov,
(for the 1913-14 concert tour of M. I. Babich), published
by A. Gun, Moskva, date?.
Note: the name Galina Dobrich appears on the
46 "Gasnul zakat," music by S. Ya. Pokrass, words by Pav.
German, (the ‘new repertoir of Yurii Morfessi'),
published by O. Ventsel', Petrograd, date?.

"Gonets," N. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Belaieff, Leipzig,
Note: Text in Russian and French.

"Dlya beregov otchizny dal'noi," music by N.
Rimsky-Korsakov, words by A. S. Pushkin, published by M.
P. Belaieff, Leipzig date?.
Note: Text in Russian and French.

"Dushechka Devitsa," music by A. Dargomyzhsky on a folk
text; music for solo voice and choir with piano
accompaniment, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo:
Muzykal'nyi Sektor, Moskva, 1928.
Note: Text in Russian and German.

47 "Zhazhdu svidan'ya, zhazhdu lobzaniya" (Tsyganskii val's),
words and music by N. V. Zubov, ("Sredi tsygan" series),
published by K. Leopas, St. Petersburg, date?

"Zhelannyi ty moi" (Tsyganskii romans), words and music by
M. V. Lentovskii, published by A. Gutkheil', Moskva,

"Zakatilos' solntse," music by P. Chaikovskii, words by A.
Ratgauz, published by Muzgiz, Moskva-Leningrad, 1940.

"Zachem," music by A. D. Davydov on an anonymous text,
(from a series of three romances by Davydov), published by
Jugenson, Moscow-Leipzig, date?.
Note: the name Galina Dobrich appears on the cover
as well as the initials I.I.T and the name Mimi.

"Znayu den' pridet," arrangement by A. Lentsov, words by
Dmitri Dzhusto. Published by the author, Krasnodar, 1928.
Note: "N. Kasharnitskaya, 1929 g." appears on the

48 "Kak sladko (How sweet)," music by Leon Zuckert, words by
Ella Bobrov, Leonella Music Publishing Co., Toronto,
Note: Text in Russian, English, German and French.
Inscribed to Faina Terentiev from the composer,

"Kak khoroshi te ochi," music by Fal'binov, words by N. V.
Dul'kevich. Published by Zimmerman, Leipzig-Berlin, date?.
Note: Text in German and Russian.

"Kakaya Noch'," music by Vrangel', words by Baroness I.
Medem, published by "Severnaya Lira," Petersburg, date?.

"Kogda, dusha, prosilas' ty..." music by A. Alyab'ev,
words by A. Del'vig, (Kontsertnyi Repertuar Vokalista
series), Muzgiz, 1962.

"Kolokol'chik," music by K. Lyadov, words by A. Ammosov,
(Vokal'naya biblioteka), Muzgiz 1961.

"Kol' slyshu khor tsygan," composer/lyricist?, published
by W. Bessel and Co., Paris, date?.
Note: Text in Russian and French. The name A.
Nicholls appears on the cover.

"Krasnyi Sarafan," music by A. Varlamov, words by G.
Tsyganov, Gosudarsyvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo,
Moskva, 1935.
Note: Text in Russian and German (French text
added by owner with typewriter).

49 "Lada," R. Music by Glier, words by Lyubov' Stolitsa,
Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo: Muzykal'nyi Sektor,
Moskva-Petrograd, 1923.

"Lebednaya Pesn'," music and words by M. Y. Puare,
published by J. P. Katz, NY date?.

"Moe Blazhenstvo," music by N. E. Nikiforovaya, words by
K. D. Bal'mont, published by ‘Severnaya Lira," Petersburg,

"Moi chudnyi son," words and music by M. Shteinberg,
published by Zimmerman, Petersburg-Moscow, date?.
Note: the name Mimi ...? appears on the cover.

"Mrachnaya zhizn', (daite mne radostei)," music by Y. Rik,
words by L. L. Pal'msky, published by N. Kh. Davingof,
Petrograd, date?.

"Muchen'e mne, tebya lyubit'," music by F. K. Sadovsky,
words by Evgenii Yur'ev, ("Sredi Tsygan" series),
published by K. Leopas, Petersburg, date?.

"My vypili do dna," music by Y. L. Fel'dman, words by S.
Stivinsky. (Repertoir of Agrippina Sergeevna Granskaya),
published by Detlaf and Co., Moskva, date?.

50 "Na gore, gore," music by A. Grechaninov, words by ...?
(Belorussian folk song), Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo,
Muzykal'nyi Sektor, Moskva-Leningrad, 1924.

"Nad tikhoyu rekoyu," words and music by B. B. Baron,
("Tsyganskoe pazdol'e" series), published by "Severnaya
Lira," St. Petersburg, date?

"Ne vspominai," music by N. Kh. Davingof, words by Lev
Drizot, ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series) published by
Davingof, Petrograd, date?

"Ne zazhigai ognya!" music by A. Arenskii, words by D.
Ratgauza, ("Biblioteka Vokalista-lyubitelya" series),
Izdatel'stvo "Muzyka," Moskva, date?
Note: the name G. Dobrich appears on the cover.

"Nochnye dumy," music by N. V. Zubov, words by A. V.
Mattizen, ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series) published by N.
Kh. Davingof, Petersburg, date?
Note: the name G. Dobrich appears on the cover.

"Nochnye tsvety: Belye blednye...," music by A. K.
Shilovskii, words by E. A. Varzhenevskaya, ("Tsyganskaya
zhizn'" series) published by N. Kh. Davingof, Petersburg,

"Noch' svetla (starinnyi russkii val's)", music by
Shishkin, arranged by V. Podol'skaya, publisher/date?
Note: These are pages torn out of a collection of
some kind, these printed sheets do not indicate
anything about the larger publication.

51 "O zhizn' moya postoi ne ukhodi," words and music by T. K.
Tolstoi, ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series) published by N.
Kh. Davingof, Petersburg, date?
Note: the names ‘Galina Dobrich' and ‘Mimi
Sudermaya' appear on the cover.

"Otgovorila roshcha zolotaya," music by Ponomarenko, words
by S. Esenin, publisher/date unknown.
Note: This is page taken from a magazine or
journal of some kind, an article by Il'ya Erenburg
appears on the opposite side of the page.

"Ottsvetali v sadu bledno-pyshnyya rozy," music by N. Kh.
Davingof, words by E. A. R. (?), ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'"
series) published by N. Kh. Davingof, Petersburg, date?

"Otchego ty ne khochesh' lyubvi...? (tsyganskyi romans)"
words and music by Sergei Kuznetsov, ("Tsyganskaya
zhizn'" series) published by N. Kh. Davingof, Petersburg,

"Okh vy gody, moi gody," music by Y. Arnol'd, words by L.
A. Mei, (No. 2 from the series "Tri melodii dlya basa" by
Yurii Arnol'd) published by M. Bernard, Petersburg, date?

52 "Pis'mo materi," music by V. Lipatov, words by S. Esenin,
(from the repertoir of Lina ...asal'skaya(?), obscured),
Izdatel'stvo Modpik, date?

"Pobledneli veselye kraski," music by Ippolitov-Ivanov,
words by ?. A duet for mezzo-soprano and alto. Published
by RSFSR: Muzykal'nyi Sektor Gosudarstvennogo Izd-va,
Moskva, 1929.

"Pobud' so mnoi," music by N. V. Zubov, words by N. N.
(?), ("Tsyganskie Glazki" series), published by Jurgenson,
Moskva, date?
Note: the initials I.I.T. and the names Galina
Dobrich and Mimi appear on the cover.

"Podari mne platok," music by G. Ponomarenko, words by M.
Agashinaya, publisher/date?
Note: This piece of music appears in a newspaper
clipping, along with a short article, "Pesnya
prishlas' po dushe," by V. Terskaya. The
newspaper title is unknown, but the date is
September, 7 1974 (No. 210).

"Poet zima, aukaet," music by V. Kosenko, words by S.
Esenin, ("Kontsertnyi repertuar vokalista" series) Muzgiz,
Note: Text in Russian and Ukrainian.

"Pozhalet'-to ne mogu" (Otvet na romans ‘Pozhalei'), music
by A. N. Chernyavskii, words by P. Krupchinin, Izdanie
‘Evterpa,'Petrograd, date?
Note: ‘Dobrich' appears on the cover.

"Poi, lastochka, poi: Sing, birdie, sing..." Russian folk
song arranged by H.L. (Henry Lefkowitch), Published by
Metro Music Co., NY, date?

"Poteryala ya kolechko" (arranged by I. Il'in) and "Zachem
tebya ya, milyi moi, uznala...?" (arranged by A. Titov),
(from the series "Lyubimye russkie narodnye pesni")
Muzgiz, 1952.
Note: The name G. Dobrich appears on the front

53 "Poutru raneshen'ko...," music by A. Grechaninov, words by
?, publisher/date unknown (these pages appear to have been
taken from a collection of some kind, they are numbered
5-9 and the title is preceded by the number 2).

"Pochemu ya bezumno lyublyu...? (Tsyganskii romans)" words
and music by B. S. Gurovich, ("Lyubimye i novye romansy i
pesni" series) Izdatel'stvo "Evterpa," Petrograd, date?

"Pochemu ya bezumno lyublyu...? (Tsyganskii romans)"
arranged by Gr. Fistulari, ("U tsygan" series) published
by "Bayan," Berlin, date?
Note: "Galina Dobrich" appears on cover.

"Provansal'skaya pesnya no. 3: Osen'yu," music by M.
Ippolitov-Ivanov, words by Verlen, published by Aleksandr
Venshau, Moskva, date?

"Pust' tol'ko son..." music by N. Kh. Davingof, words by
Oleg Leonidov, ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series) published by
N. Kh. Davingof, Petrograd, date?

54 "Razluka," music by A. Gurilev, words by A. Kol'tsov,
("Vokal'naya Biblioteka Khudozhestvennoi
Samodeyatel'nosti" series), Muzgiz, 1961.
"Ryabiny (Kuzina i Zina)," music by A. Kvidam, words by P.
Potemkin, ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series) published by N.
Kh. Davingof, Petersburg, date?

55 "S nemym vostorgom," music by V. P. Semenov, words by M.
K. Snegirev, Published by Zimmerman,
Petersburg-Moscow-Leipzig-London, date?

"Severnaya Zvezda," music by M. Glinka, words by
Rostopchinaya, Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo,
Moskva-Leningrad, 1948.
Note: The name ‘Klara' appears on the front cover.

"Serenada Don-Zhuana," music by P. Chaikovsky, words by A.
Tolstoi, Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo,
Moskva-Leningrad, 1952.

"Snegopad," music by A Ekimyan, words by Alla Rustaikis,
publisher/date unknown.
Note: This single page appears to have been ripped
from a journal or magazine of some kind. The page
yields no information about the publication. Six
pieces of sheet music appear in miniature form on
this page.

"Snova, kak prezhde," music by P. Chaikovsky, words by D.
Ratgauz, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo: Muzykal'nyi Sektor,
Moskva-Leningrad, 1923.
Note: Text in Russian and German.

"Step' Moldovanskaya," words and music by A. Vertinskii,
Izdatel'stvo "Kolos'ya," Paris, copyright 1930.

56 "Tak zhizn' molodaya prokhodit bezsledno," words and music
by L. D. Malashkin, published by Jurgenson, Moskva, date?
Note: text appears in Russian and German.

"Temno-vishnevaya shal'," words and music by an anonymous
author, arrangement by V. Podol'skaya, publisher/date
Note: This double-sided page, numbered 5-6,
appears to be taken from a collection of some

"Troika,"gypsy tune, arranger not indicated, ("Tsyganskaya
zhizn'" series) published by N. Kh. Davingof, Petersburg,
Note: "Talya" appears on the cover and "G.
Dobrich" appears inside.

"Troika" (words by Chuevskii) and "Gori, gori, moya
zvezda" (words by unknown author), music by P. Bulakhov,
Muzgiz, 1961.

"Tuchki nebesnyya," music by A. Dargomyzhskii, words by M.
Lermontov, published by Jurgenson, Moskva, date?

"Ty eshche ne umeesh lyubit'" (Tsyganskii romans) arranged
by N. Shishkin, (from the "Sobranie tsyganskikh romansov
kurskago khora" series) Published by Jurgenson, Moskva,
Note:Text in Russian and German. The name
"Windsor" appears on the cover.

"Ty moi rai (romans-val's)," words and music by P.B.
Rozyanko, published by "Severnaya Lira," Petersburg, date?

57 "Charui menya, charui," music by A. Dargomyzhskii, words
by Y. Zhadkovskaya, Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe
Izdatel'stvo, Moskva, 1953.
Note: The name ‘Klara' appears on the front cover.

"Chto, krasotka molodaya...?" music by M. Glinka, words by
A. Del'vig, Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo,
Moskva-Leningrad, 1950.

"Utro tumannoe," music by A. Abaz, words by I. Turgenev,
publisher/date unknown.
Note: this double-sided page, numbered 3-4,
appears to have been taken from a collection of
some kind. This page reveals no information about
the publication.

58 "Ya vas lyubil," music by A. Alyab'ev, words by A.
Pushkin, (‘Kontsertnyi repertuar vokalista' series)
Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, Moscow, 1958.
Note: ‘Dobrich' appears on cover.

"Ya lyubila ego," music by M. Balakirev, words by A.
Kol'tsov, Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo,
Moskva-Leningrad, 1950.
Note: The name ‘Klara' appears on the front cover.

"Ya pomnyu den'," words and music by A. Borisov,
publisher/date unknown.
Note: Apparently taken from a collection of some
kind, this double-sided page is numbered 37-38.
Texts are in Polish and Russian. The name ‘Galya'
appears on page 38.

"Ya stepei i voli doch'," music by N. I. Shishkin, words
by N. I. Blank, (‘Tsyganskiya nochi' series), published by
Zimmerman, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Moscow, date?

"Ya tebe nichego ne skazhu," music by T. K. Tolstoi, words
by Fet, ("Tsyganskaya zhizn'" series) published by N. Kh.
Davingof, Petersburg, date?

"Ya chasto s toboi vstrechalsya," music by I. Kornilov,
words by Drozhdinin, published by Jurgenson, Moscow, date?
Note: This piece is missing pages 1-4, only page 5
remains. An indecipherable name appears at the
top right corner of the corner.

(59-61) Music from operas by Russian composers. Music for voice
and piano reduction of orchestra. All items are published
and professionally printed. Filed alphabetically by the
title of the opera.

59 Evgenii Onegin, P. I. Chaikovsky: "Aria knyazya
(Gremina)," (Act III), published by Leon Idzikowski,
Warsaw, date?
Note: Text in Polish and Russian.

Evgenii Onegin, P. I. Chaikovsky: "Khor i plyaska
krestyan": ‘Bolyat moi ckory nozhen'ki' and ‘Uzh kak po
mostu mostochku', (Act I) music for four-voice choir with
piano reduction. Published by Jurgensen, Moscow, date?
Note: There are three identical copies of this

60 Evgenii Onegin, P. I. Chaikovsky: "Khor i plyaska
krestyan": ‘Bolyat moi ckory nozhen'ki' and ‘Uzh kak po
mostu mostochku', (Act I) music for four-voice choir with
piano reduction. Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo:
Muzykal'nyi Sektor, Moscow, 1928.
Note: There are five identical copies of this

61 Zabava Putyatishna, M.M. Ivanov: "Serenada solov'ya,"
Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo: Muzykal'nyi Sektor, Moscow,

Knyaz' Igor', A. Borodin. "Plach Yaroslavny," Published by
M. P. Beliaeff, London-NY-LA- Sydney-Toronto-Cape
Town-Paris, date?
Note: Text in Russian, French and German.

Rusalka, A. Dargomyzhskii. Trio: "Akh, proshlo to vremya
zolotoe," published F. Stellovskii, St. Petersburg, date?

Rusalka, A. Dargomyzhsky. Pesnya Natashi: "Po kamushkam,
po zheltu pesochku..." Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe
Izdatel'stvo, Moskva-Leningrad, 1944.

(62-73) Individual handwritten parts for voice, voice with piano
accompaniment, and choral singing. Folders contain romances,
folk song arrangements, and music from operas by Russian
composers. Arrangments by various composers, though much
of the material is credited to S. Boldyrev, S. Zharov, or
K. Shvedov (arrangements by the two latter composers
appear to be transcriptions by other musicians rather
than original manuscripts). Filed alphabetically by title
of song (if no title is indicated, the piece is filed by
the first several words of the song). Where possible, the
composer and/or arranger is indicated.

62 "Alla Verdy" (Zharov), "Araks" (Boldyrev), "Akh, ty,
zvezdochka" (G.B.C.), "Akh, ty, step' shirokaya" (?),
"Bandura" (Davidovskii/Zharov), "Beite! Rezhte!" (Zharov),
"Beloe vino" (?)

63 "Vniz po matushke po volge" (Boldyrev), "Vo kuznitse"
(Zharov), "Vo subbotu" (?) "Vot mchitsya troika udalaya"
(Boldyrev), "Vot polk poshel" (Shvedov)

64 "Glyazhu v ozera" (Afanas'ev) "Dve gitary" (Shvedov),
"Dlya menya ty vse..." (Titov), "Zhat' sosedskuyu
imenitsu..." (?), "Zelenyi luch" (Arkhangel'sky), "I kto
ego znaet" (?)

65 "Kazach'i pesni" (Zharov), "Kalinka" (Boldyrev), "Kalinka"
(?), "Legenda" (Chaikovsky), "Lipa vekovaya" (Boldyrev),
"Lyubov', kak pesnya" (Fel'tsman),

66 "Molis', kunak!/Oi da, po nad lesikom/Oi, chert, tebya
nes" tenor part (Zharov), "Molodezhnaya pesnya" (?),
"Mukhi" (Greve-Sobolevskaya)

67 "Na Donu kazachiya stanitsa" baritone-bass part
(Shcheglov-kulikovich), "Na Donu kazachiya stanitsa" SATB
parts(?), "Na russkoi yamarke" (Shvedov), "Na starom
kurgane/Zelenyi luch" (?), "Ne shumi ty rozh'" (?),
"Nochka temnaya..." (?)

68 "Ozero spit" SATB parts (Boldyrev), "Okh, ty serdtse..."
(?), "Ochi chernye," (Shvedov)

69 "Partia lyubashi" Trio from the opera Tsarskaya Nevesta
(Rimsky-Korsakov), "Pesni ulitsy" (Zharov), "Pesnya
Indiiskago gostya" from Sadko (Rimski-Korsakov/Zharov),
"Po manilu" parts + lyric sheet (K. Shvedov), "Po ulitse
mostovoi" (?), "Podmoskovnye vechera" tenor I part)
(Zharov), "Podymalas' pogodushka" (?), "Polyushko-Pole"
tenor I part (Klipper-Zharov), "Posmotryu na rodnuyu
storonku..." (?)

70 "Rozpryagaite, khloptsy, koni" (?), "Rebe ta stogne"
(Zharov), "Sinie glaza" (Shcheglov-Kuplikovich), "Svetit
mesyats" (?), "Serenada" (Borodin), "Solovei-ptashechka"
bass-baritone part (Shvedov), "Somnenie" (M. Glinka)

71 "Starinnyi val's" tenor & bass parts (Shvedov),
"Storonal', storonka," "Sten'ka Razin" (Dobrovein),
"Step' da step' krugom" (Novikov)

72 "Travushka-muravushka" (Zharov), "Troika" (?), "Tuchi
chernye" (Romberg)

73 "Khutorok" (?), "Sharmanka" (?), "Ya vas lyubil..."