a close up of a keyboard with social media icons on the buttons.

Amherst College welcomes comments and messages across its social media channels in our effort to provide an open forum for community and conversation. Although we do not assume any obligation for monitoring and actively policing our social media feeds, we may remove posts at any time and for any reason, as well as those that violate any of Amherst College’s existing policies. Please note that comments made on Amherst’s social media accounts are the opinions and expressions of the commenter only and do not constitute agreement or endorsement by the College.

Without limiting our discretion to remove submissions, those that are particularly likely to be removed include:

  • Personal attacks of any kind
  • Harassment, intimidation, disparagements or threats to any other person
  • Promotions of bigotry or discrimination
  • Vulgar, obscene or sexually explicit language
  • Posts that are unnecessarily repetitive or copied into multiple threads
  • Posts that are clearly off-topic
  • Promotions of products, services or political organizations
  • Solicitations for external fundraising purposes
  • Content that maliciously disguises or misrepresents the poster’s identity
  • Fraudulent or deceptive messages, such as chain mail
  • Infringements on copyrights or trademarks
  • Promotions of illegal or unlawful activities

Responsibilities of Account Managers of Official College Accounts

All official College accounts have a responsibility to monitor their community and abide by these guidelines. While we reserve the discretion to delete comments that don’t conform to our guidelines, we encourage account managers to not delete content simply because they disagree with the poster's point of view. For more information about Amherst College's community guidelines, please email