Courses in Psychology

Fall 2020

PSYC-122 Statistics and Experimental Design

Matthew Schulkind (Sections 01 and 02)

PSYC-211 Cognitive Neuroscience

Michael A. Cohen (Section 01)

PSYC-211F Cognitive Neuroscience

Michael A. Cohen (Sections 01 and 02)

PSYC-220 Social Psychology

Catherine A. Sanderson (Section 01)

PSYC-221 Personality Psychology

Amy P. Demorest (Sections 01 and 02)

PSYC-224 Intergroup Dialogue on Race

Elizabeth J. Aries (Section 01)
Allen J. Hart (Section 01)

PSYC-227 Developmental Psychology

Carrie Palmquist (Section 01)

PSYC-228 Abnormal Psychology

Julia D. McQuade (Section 01)

PSYC-233 Cognitive Psychology

Matthew Schulkind (Section 01)

PSYC-325 Psychopharmacology

Sarah M. Turgeon (Section 01)

PSYC-337 Stereotypes and Prejudice

Rebecca R. Totton (Section 01)

PSYC-362 Development of Non-Verbal Communication

Carrie Palmquist (Section 01)

PSYC-369 Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice

Elizabeth T. Kneeland (Section 01)