How will you get to know your students as learners and as humans? How will they get to know you? How will they get to know each other?”
—The CTL Team

Building Community Faculty Examples

Assignment Summary

During the summer of 2020, faculty enrolled in the ACUE course shared their community building plans based on the following reflective questions.

  • What activity(ies) will you employ at the start of the semester so that you can:
    • get to know your students
      Professor sharing a meal with students
    • they can get to know you
    • they can connect with their peers
  • What strategies will you embed within your course throughout the semester to reinforce this sense of community? 
  • How will these strategies for community building respond to the potential modes of instruction you may employ this fall (in person/remote/both)?
  • How do these strategies relate to and support your overarching goals for student learning in your class? 

Faculty Plans

Creating Opportunities for Student Engagement

Getting to Know One Another


Use of Technology