Pathways Through the Computer Science Major

There are many ways to sequence the computer science major.  Here are a few.

Starting with 111 in the first semester.

COSC 111

COSC 112

COSC 211 COSC Elective or COSC 171
COSC 311 2 COSC Electives or COSC 171 and one elective
COSC 311

COSC Elective

The plan above will also work starting with 112 in the second semester, you need to add one more elective sometime.

Here's a special plan for 2021-2022 only:

COSC 111 COSC 112

COSC 211 and/or COSC 171

COSC 311   COSC elective and/or COSC 171
COSC Elective   COSC Elective
COSC Elective   COSC Elective

You need to adjust the plans to get at least 9 courses.

Here's a late start.

COSC 111 COSC 112
COSC 211 and 1 COSC Elective COSC 171 and 1 COSC Elective
COSC 311 2 COSC Electives

Here's a possible plan with a study abroad, assuming you take no COSC courses abroad:

COSC 111 COSC 112
COSC 211 COSC 171 and COSC Elective
1 or 2 COSC Electives 1 or 2 COSC Electives

You can, or course, take COSC courses abroad.  Many of our students have done so, popular places to do this include DIS in Copenhagen and AIT in Budapest, and there are many more.