Race, Racism, & Antiracism Part 3 Registration

Register here!

Date: TBD!



This workshop series is designed to increase awareness of the visible and invisible ways race and racism appear in our social and structural systems, especially in educational institutions. Along with digging into race and racism, the series also delves into various forms of resistance and how to commit to antiracism in personal and professional environments.

In part three, workshop participants build on their knowledge about structural and institutional racism by envisioning ways to actively resist systems of racism and incorporate anti-racism in their personal and professional environments. Along with increasing their knowledge about anti-racism, workshop participants will develop an action plan for tangible steps they can take towards implementing an anti-racist approach and transforming their practices.


This workshop is designed to help participants move toward an anti-racist approach by:

  1. Increasing our knowledge of anti-racism and how it differs from being “not racist”
  2. Highlighting multiple forms of resistance found across educational institutions
  3. Identifying areas of possible change in our personal and professional environments
  4. Reflecting on one’s role in resisting racism, implementing anti-racist practices, and effecting personal and institutional change.
  5. Creating individual action plans for integrating an anti-racist approach in one’s personal and professional work.

This workshop is open to staff and faculty who have completed Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism 1.0 and 2.0